
We are delighted to provide FREE ROUTINE DENTAL TREATMENT for children up until they reach their 18th BIRTHDAY

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Join with us on the journey to achieving your child’s healthy happy smile today

Speak to any member of our team if you would like to know more about how we care for our younger patients

When should you start brushing your child’s teeth and visit the dentist?

It is the responsibility of parents with the help of the dental team to ensure that your child’s teeth and mouth are healthy. Together we lay the foundations by helping children adopt good oral health routines and promote good habits. Keeping sugary and acidic food and drinks to mealtimes, brushing teeth at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and visiting the dentist regularly. These are good habits and when started young, can last a lifetime.

Poor oral health can have a negative impact on their general health and with a little care, there is no reason why children should ever need treatment and they don’t need to go without occasional treats either.

Children’s teeth begin forming before birth. The first primary or baby teeth erupt through the gums as early as four months. This is a good time to begin brushing your child’s teeth daily using a soft brush and a childrens toothpaste.

When parents are having a routine check-up appointment, we advise they bring their infant with them. This helps to familiarise children with our staff and surroundings. Once they feel comfortable, we will encourage your child to have a ride in the chair if they want to and choose a sticker to take home.

Our dedicated team will help your child look after their teeth throughout their life
These early fun visits should lead on to a life-time of regular, stress-free visits to the dentist

Preventative Treatment – Fissure Sealing – Dental fissure sealants can help prevent tooth decay

What are tooth fissures?

On the surface of the teeth are many small depressions, called ‘pits,’ or ‘fissures.’ The first four permanent molars in children erupt around the age of 5-7 years. They tend to sneak up behind the last baby teeth molars so can be easily missed. The second four molars erupt when children are between 11 – 13 years. All of the permanent molars tend to have quite deep pits or fissures and it is very important that care is taken to brush them thoroughly, particularly for the 5-7-year-olds.

What are dental fissure sealants?

Fissure sealants are materials that are allowed to run into the pits and grooves of the teeth. Once hardened, they form a smoother, protective cover and work by preventing bacteria and food debris from getting stuck in these areas of the teeth. In this way, they help protect the teeth from decay-causing elements.

Who should get them?

Children with deep fissures or at high risk of tooth decay. For optimal protection fissure sealants are most effective when applied as soon as permanent molar teeth erupt.

This is a preventative treatment and therefore chargeable. Please ask your dentist if you would like more information about preventative fissure sealing

In 2019 Public Health England (PHE) reported that around one-in-four (23%) of 5-year-olds had dental decay. These findings are identical to the results of the previous survey in 2017 which suggests that no progress has been made towards tackling an unacceptable level of childhood tooth decay in England.
This is shocking news since tooth decay is almost entirely preventable,
yet it remains the number one reason for childhood hospital admissions for general anaesthesia in the UK.